Hello. I am Jenn.




We are energy. Not only is energy around us, but it also flows through us.

What I Do

In our hypnotherapy sessions, I will guide you through revisiting traumatic memories, clearing them from your subconscious, and supporting you in moving forward successfully.

About Me

Jenn Clerkin

I’m Jenn, and my mission is to help you achieve alignment with your highest self. As a Multidimensional Transformation Hypnotherapist, I have the skills to help you reach your greatest potential in both personal well-being and business success.

My journey began with my own self-healing after my husband was hit by a moving vehicle, and I developed an autoimmune disease due to the stress of the situation. Seeking out holistic methods, like Acupuncture, Cupping, Infrared Saunas, Reiki, EFT, and Intuitive Pilates, opened me up to the gift I’ve had since childhood, allowing me to feel the energy of others, including their emotions. My gift evolved, enabling me not only to feel but see the colors that prevent someone from feeling whole. 
In our sessions together, we use sound hypnotherapy and my color intuitive gifts to enter your subconscious, safely revisit past traumas, and clear them from your memory, effectively releasing you from negative influences. As we work together, you will learn how to achieve your greatest results by working from your heart center. 
If you’re wondering how sound hypnotherapy works, I use sound bowls to create a hypnotic state in which you have complete control. I will guide you safely through your subconscious memories, and as we enter these memories, the sound bowl and chime will maintain your hypnotic state. Ultimately, through our work together, we will help you move forward on the path to your highest good.

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